Inauguration Steering Committee
The Inauguration Steering Committee is composed of Wake Forest University Trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, and alumni and student leadership. This advisory group was instrumental in planning Dr. Wente’s inauguration festivities, which celebrate our institution’s legacy of achievement, service and character and our new president’s commitment to those core principles.

Rebecca Alexander (P ’22, P ’25)
Associate Dean for Research & Community Engagement; Director of Academic Planning, Wake Downtown

Jeanne Whitman Bobbitt (’79, MBA ’87)
University Trustee and Co-Chair, Inauguration Steering Committee

Sandra Boyette (MBA ’95)
Partner, Stepstone Strategic LLC

Ashleigh Brock
Chief of Staff, Office of the President

Jane Caldwell (MA ’82, P ’14, P ’17)
Senior Associate Athletics Director for Student-Athlete Services

Bonnie Carter (P ’22)
Chair, Parents’ Council

Chris Coughlin (JD ’90, P ’20)
Professor of Law

Jermyn Davis (’10)
University Trustee and Co-Chair, Inauguration Steering Committee

Shannon Dubuisson
Executive Director, University Events

Mo Green
Executive Director, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

Julia Jackson-Newsom (’94, P ’26)
Senior Advisor for Planning and Partnerships

Rogan Kersh (’86)

Samantha Perrotta (’12)
Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost

Mark Petersen
Vice President for University Advancement

Matthew Phillips (’00, JD ’06)
Associate Teaching Professor of Business; President, Faculty Senate

Christina Soriano
Associate Professor of Dance; Associate Provost, Arts/Interdisciplinary Initiatives

Kelly Starnes (’93, MBA ’14)
President, Association of Wake Forest University Black Alumni

Ally Swartzberg (’22)
President of Student Government

Mary Tribble (’82, MA ’19)
Senior Advisor for Engagement Strategies

Caroline Walker (’22)
Student Trustee 2021-22

Jonathan L. Walton (DDIV ’15)
Dean, School of Divinity, and Dean of Wait Chapel

Lauren West-Livingston (Ph.D. ’20, MSL ’20, MD ’22)
Student Representative